Thursday, June 3, 2010

Appalling Article

So, I am taking a class over the internet this summer.. Its called "Critical Theory and the Study of Popular Culture." Its a pretty sweet class, because I get to read a lot about what is going on in media and also get to use my twitter account a lot! I am very excited about the class and well up until today, i loved it. Today, we were assigned an Article Review on an article that was focused on "soft porn" and more specifically, Girls Gone Wild. Now, i understand that it is part of the media culture, but i was deeply saddened while reading about all of this.
The fact that the porn industry is a multiBILLION dollar industry is sickening. What does that say about our culture? That we are okay with, and actually find it entertaining that people would sell themselves for money? Personally, and maybe you disagree, it is upsetting to see our world do this. It is degrading to both sexes and appalling. The fact that a form of prostitution (selling of yourself for money) is even promoted is too much for me to handle. If you can't already tell, i was/am quite fired up about this, so if this is making no sense, i'm sorry.
Anyways, I really needed to vent this and my challenge today is lets be the generation to make a change. Is the porn industry really the industry we want driving the economy?

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